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Apple Suncatchers

Apple Suncatchers.jpg

These are a truly beautiful (and simple) way to catch the light of this holiday as you decorate your home.

You Will Need:

● White coffee filters

● Red and/or green and brown felt, construction paper or card stock

● Washable markers*

● Spray bottle with water
● Glue, scissors
Begin by giving each of your crafters a white coffee filter and some washable markers in your favorite apple shades. We usually use red, yellow and green. *This will only work if you use washable markers! Allow your children to color their coffee filter as they like. You may want to inform them in advance that their picture will change as the colors bleed so that they are not surprised by this! When you’re done coloring your coffee filters--and the more color, the better--spray water on top. It can be helpful to place the coffee filters on a tray with some paper towels beforehand to catch excess water. Make sure to completely wet the coffee filter but not
oversaturate as this will erase the color altogether. Allow them to dry. Meanwhile, trace/draw and cut out some apple shapes, leaves and stems from your felt or paper. Make sure to guage your size against the size of the coffee filter. I find it easiest to fold my apple colored paper in half and draw/cut a half of the apple against the fold so that when unfolded it is symmetrical. You can use this method as well to cut out the inside window, leaving at least an inch of border.

This will be your frame. You can add a leaf and stem. Once the coffee filters are completely dried, glue to the back of your apple frame. Trim any edges that are sticking out and hang these

to display in your sunniest window.

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