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Sefer Devarim


Parashat Shoftim


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Image by Randy Tarampi

Parshat Shoftim


This week’s parsha warns us about trusting HaShem when we go to battle. “When you go out to the battle against your enemy, and you see horse and chariot – a people more numerous than you – you shall not fear them, for HaShem, your Gd is with you, Who brought you up from the land of Egypt.” (20:1) Interestingly, the word for horse is singular. HaShem is describing a situation where the Jews are outnumbered - the situation looks precarious and intimidating. Why would the posuk then use the word ‘sus’ (horse) in the singular instead of ‘susim’ (horses) when it is describing a situation where there would be hundreds, if not thousands of horses?



Rashi comments on this posuk which reveals a beautiful perspective. He comments that the posuk keeps the word for horse singular because HaShem is telling us that even though there may be hundreds or thousands of horses chasing after you, to HaShem, they are all considered like one horse. To HaShem no problem is too big; saving you from a million horses is the same to Him as saving you from one horse. HaShem can do anything. Easily.


This is idea is also reflected later in the posuk for the words ‘a people more numerous than you’. Rashi comments that in the Jews’ eyes those people seem numerous, but to Hashem, they are not numerous. There is a saying “do not tell HaShem how big your problems are, but rather tell your problems how big HaShem is”.  HaShem can solve any problem, big or small. Not only can He, but HaShem wants to! This is reflected in how HaShem relates to us in the end of the posuk – HaShem reminds us that it was He who took us out of the land of Egypt. What does Egypt have to do with the current posuk? In Parshat Shlach, HaShem tells us why he took us out of Egypt, “leheyot lechem lelokim” ‘to be a Gd to us’.  When a child, Gd forbid, is in a painful situation, nothing gives the parent more pleasure than to whisk that child away from that situation as quickly as they can. By the parent removing that child from the pain and saving them from further duress, a special bond is created, and the child takes solace, feels love, and places trust in the parent. HaShem is our Father – He put us in Egypt so He could take us out. Why? So the Jewish people, nationally and individually, could know and feel that HaShem whisked us away and that we can take solace, feel love, and place trust in Him.  To HaShem, giving someone twenty dollars is the same as twenty million dollars. One might have to create the vessel for HaShem to bless them, but to Hashem no bracha (blessing) is too big to give and no problem is too big to solve. Just like HaShem saved us in Egypt, Hashem will save us now – because He loves us and wants to ‘be a HaShem to you’.



Exercise: Dream big! Think of all the brachot you want in your life and ask HaShem for it. Know that as big as it seems,  to HaShem no bracha is too big and He can give you that and more! Please Gd you should see it soon!

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