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Sefer Bamidbar


Parashat Pinchas


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Image by Christophe Maertens

Parshat Pinchas begins with Pinchas standing up against a Jewish leader cohabiting with a non-Jewish women that ended in their demise. This courageous act resulted in the cessation of a plague against the Jewish people and Pinchas was granted “Eternal Priesthood”. What can we learn from this courageous act?



So much of our Jewish history has been defined by heroes who stood up for something – and many times alone or few in number. Pinchas is another example of a hero who knew the right thing to do and had the courage to act on it – despite doing it alone.


It is the 17th of Tammuz now, and I wonder how our history would be different had someone stood up against the ‘mixed multitude’ of people who were involved in the golden calf. How would we be celebrating had someone stood up and said, “Let’s wait! Moshe is coming! We just experienced HaShem’s open miracles taking us out of Mitzryim! We just heard HaShem give us the first two commandments! Moshe is our leader and said he would be back; let’s wait! Let’s have Emunah!” What if someone was brave enough to stand up against everyone when they knew they were right. Conviction wins.


Growing up, I had a poster displaying a field of beautiful red roses with one single yellow rose in the middle of the field with bold overlay of words that said, “Stand up for what is right even if you’re standing alone.” Avraham Avinu changed the whole world because he knew there was One Hashem when the entire world was practicing polytheism. Pinchas acted because he knew something had to be done. He did not doubt what he knew was right; he did not think that maybe someone else should do it; he did not doubt his abilities or worry what people would think; he did not waver in his resolve. He acted confidently in what he knew in his heart and mind was the right thing do to. We all have the power to do the same. When we see something and know something is right or wrong, depending on the situation, we have the ability to change the situation. Whether we succeed or not is up to HaShem but standing up allows HaShem to work through us to elicit change in the world. Let us be like Pinchas and stand up for what is right, even if we are standing alone (though we’re never alone because HaShem is always with us!).



Exercise: Stand up for something! This could be getting involved with a good cause or as simple as telling your friend you do not want to hear the loshon hara she is sharing.

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