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Parsha Inspiration

Each week, be intellectually stimulated with an idea and/or question from the Parsha, inspired by a clear lesson from our Chazal applicable to the modern Jewish woman, as well as an accompanying exercise for the reader to perform to integrate that lesson from the parsha into your life.

Each Parsha provides three clear sections: 1) one idea or question from the parsha is presented with sources and commentaries 2) an applicable lesson that can be derived from the Parsha that is relatable to contemporary life 3) an exercise section that one can perform throughout the week to incorporate the lesson from the parsha into their own life, fostering personal growth and development.

These D'vrei Torah for the Jewish women are concise, offering quick insights that are not only interesting to give over, but have relevant lessons that cultivate spiritual growth, a deeper connection to Judaism, and to HaShem. 

Image by Aung Soe Min
Image by Amy Shamblen

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