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Shavuos Song (The טייערע Kinderlach)
By Basia Kahn and Chaya-Bracha Rubin

On Shavuos
Hashem gives us
The heilige Torah
“Na'aseh v'nishmah”

We're ready with kabolas ol
To learn and to do,
Who will be guarantee
It’s kept for eternity?

Kinderlach, kinderlach,
Hashem chose you
To learn and love the Torah
And guarantee it too
It wasn't Tottys, Mommys, bochrim or the old,
It's the טייערע kinderlach
That Hashem chose!!

Children, children
Hashem chose you,
You will be the ones
to bring Moshiach tzidkeinu!
Go do a lot of mitzvos
And Torah learn today
You will bring Moshiach
Without any delay!



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