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How to help your child succeed in school.


It turns out those students who are successful in elementary school are generally also successful at the middle school and high school levels. As such, it is important to start school on a positive note for your child at a young age. If your children are older, however, do not panic! It is never too late to impart to them the necessary tools to succeed.

The most important thing a parent can do to help their child succeed is to take an active role in their child’s education. This means setting a time each night to actively participate in their education. For a younger child, this could mean reading to them for fifteen minutes at night. While it is important for a parent to take an active role, it is important for the child to take part in the process as well. Have your child choose a book or the topic he or she wants to learn about. After every other page, ask your child questions about what was read or on the subject matter that was discussed. This is not a pop-quiz, but rather should encourage critical thinking, comprehension, and curiosity in a fun, loving, and safe environment. When a child has a positive experience learning at home, they feel confident in themselves which translates positively in the classroom.

Further encourage your child’s interests by buying books or educational toys on those subject matters of interest to your child. For example, there are many hands-on activities and interactive work books geared toward different grades on many different topics that make learning fun. Share the interest and your enthusiasm with your child and do them together! Create a bond over it, not only facilitating learning but creating an enjoyable learning experience.

Children are very perceptive and thus, for a parent to have a positive attitude is important. I have worked with many parents whose children did not do well in math. Those parents often told me how horrible they were at math and how they did not like the subject throughout school. I asked if they had conveyed this to their children, which in most cases they did. This negative association with a particular subject matter makes it more difficult for a child to succeed, as they already have preconceived notions that it might be too difficult to flourish in this subject matter. Kids learn through your modeling, so it is important to remain positive and encouraging, regardless of how you how you did in that particular topic. This is also key in how a child perceives a fellow classmate, a teacher, and academic work. If a parent complains in front of the child about how the teacher manages the classroom or that the teacher gives too much homework, for example, it belittles the educational system the child is currently in, thus devaluing its importance in the eyes of the child. Stay positive and excited about all aspects of your child’s education.

Those kids whose parents take them to the batting cages are better hitters because their parents create an environment for their children to get the necessary practice. Academic subjects are the same – practice is required to become better, and homework is that practice. Create a clean, calm, and quiet space for your child to do their homework and as always, positive reinforcement goes a long way!

Lastly, it is important to have high expectation of your child. This does not mean that you should expect them to get straight A’s. This means that you expect them to try their best. When you create an optimistic atmosphere, partake in your child’s educational interests, and use positive encouragement, they should have all the perquisites to want to try their best - and that is true success.

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