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Parents - The Heroes of Our Times!

There has been a lot of talk about all the heroes that are helping us through this different and difficult time. Some of the obvious groups that come to mind as well as have been mentioned by the news media are: healthcare workers, police officers, firefighters, ambulance paramedics who help others in their time of need, truckers, people in the grocery stores who stock shelves and check us out, restaurant workers who cook food so that we can pick it up, delivery people who deliver those items that we purchase by phone or online, city and state workers who keep our municipalities safe, plumbers, electricians, to name a few.  


There is one extremely important group of people that, in my opinion, have been completely overlooked.  The people in this group are heroes not only for the eight hour work day, but for every minute of every day. There are 1,440 minutes in one day. This very important group that I’m referring to is parents!  Yes, I think parents certainly belong at the very top of the list of heroes that have been previously mentioned. 


Let’s review just a few things that parents do on a daily basis in addition to their professional job, especially during this troubling time:  making sure our families are safe, providing and cooking meals, doing the shopping for those necessary items that keep the family unit working smoothly, cleaning the place where we live, provide a positive environment for their partner and children to live - that list goes on ad infinitum!! 


However, in my opinion, the most important "job" parents have is to raise their children. This "job" is so inclusive that it would be virtually impossible to list all the responsibilities that are included in this most important part of the family unit.  Parents are, and need to be, cheerleaders, counselors, psychologists, cooks, motivational speakers, maintenance engineers, as well as teachers.  It is this last responsibility, that of being a teacher, that I want to highlight.   


Being a parent and a retired teacher at the middle-school level, I absolutely understand the important effect parents have on their children.  It was very easy for me to ascertain which parents took an active part in their children's education.  When I say “education”, I’m not just referring to academics, but the life and character lessons that are taught on a constant basis. It is these kinds of lessons that are many times overlooked by those who define parenting as mostly a disciplining endeavor.   Yes, disciplining is a crucial aspect of parenting, but how and why we discipline is extremely important for the child. Interestingly, one of the synonyms for disciplining is teaching.  If we discipline our children in a loving, soft, consistent, and kind manner, realizing that because they are children we’re probably going to have to re-teach that lesson multiple times, our kids will learn faster, be more confident, and in general, be happier.   After all,  teaching our children how to be responsible and cooperative family members, respectful and successful school citizens, and happy and successful members of society, is what we as parents hope to achieve. 


Yes, being a parent is, in my way of thinking, one of the most heroic jobs that our society has to offer.  So, my fellow parents and heroes, let’s be cheerleaders, motivational speakers, supporters, and everything else it takes for our kids so they can grow to be happy, healthy, and respectful members of our society. They will thank you for the rest of their lives!

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